
ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ narrative

29 January 2017

          Today I did not come to class. I therefore ask today that I learned what it is to write a blog.
           She assigned us to put a cross with a pencil line, compare our pattern with our friend and talk about it that was similar or different. She assigned us to guess what the story that we were going to read was about? I answered her that it might be a story about children lost memories. After that she read paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the text and called two students to summarize the first paragraph that she read. She explained the meaning of the text in paragraph 2 including find out the meaning of some words that we didn’t know by using Cambridge English dictionary. I think it was a good way to teach student. I liked it.

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ narrative

          I used to guess the word and a quick read. Words do not understand open a dictionary to find the meaning, then write down the exercises.

          I think the lesson is interesting because it is a story about storytelling makes an entertaining read. And suitable for use in everyday life.

