Today’s Technology (continue)

Researchers worry as teens grow up online

5 September 2016

          Today is learn about "What are advantages and disadvantages of using the internet?" 
- Convenient easy to use.
- Unlimited communication.
- Abundant information and resources.
- Spam mail 
  Spamming is the sending of unwanted and useless e-mail to random people.
-key pal

          I think that vocabulary expansion is easy because I study this in writing for communication. 

          I think that the story is difficult because difficult word and long story. I’m confused.

          I used skimming and scanning skill. I can read quickly. And if they do not understand the use of open dictionary.

            In this lesson, let me know. The use of technology in everyday life is like for many in the working class music, but there are both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that we can find the information we need to know. Assist in teaching. The downside is that the virus caused.

