18 October 2016

Extensive reading

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ extensive reading

         Today we studied Extensive reading requires much planning and time to gather reading material, but if executed well it can increase students’ liking of reading and it can improve reading comprehension, vocabulary, and reading retention. The idea is for students to choose from a list of available reading material what they wish to read, they can also look for additional books from the library. Students can discuss with others what they read to have a better comprehension of their reading. In the first edition of 2011 of the magazine The English Teaching Forum there was an interesting article about extensive reading in combination with writing. The writing part would be papers, folders, posters and keeping a reading log. The reason extensive reading could be said is more fun than intensive reading is that students choose what they read and they can read at their own pace. So, if teachers wish to give a reading class which is not boring for students, extensive reading is a great option.

          I think that the vocabulary was difficult.I tried to translate words from paragraphs for easier understanding.

          I  read fast and used scanning skills in reading. I found keyword and locate information.


           In this lesson Extensive Reading is truly student-centered. Student select their own material, read on their own time, choose their own new words to learn, and do this all without the fear of tests and examinations! So what should students be Reading? anything and everything. Novels, simplified readers, magazines, newspaper, and internet news articles are all appreciate for extensive reading. Let the students pick what they want and read about topics that they like.

