Learning Reflection When I learned about Reading strategies I felt it difficult and I don't like it. Because I don't understand meaning when I read. After I learned about this I got to know many things about reading it made me have more reading skills such as Read Faster, Extensive reading, I and writing for answer the questions. In addition, I got to know about Weblog. It made me practice writing skills and technology for everyday life. Sometimes, I don't like to read because I don't understand about article meaning and I don't answer the questions. But I learned more are prepared before study in the class began. I like every lesson are had benefit for me very much. Because in the future I will be the teacher so, I must practice about this better than before. From this subject made me haven knowledge such as Asian, disaster, healthy, technology, Fashion and West and West meet East. Finally, I think I can use k
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก พฤศจิกายน, 2016
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Classic Ann Landers https://www.google.co.th There were many interesting letter. And we did exercise and wrote advice for the problem people. I advised that they should give the candy or a few rewards for son when they did well more. I think the vocabulary was easy but writing advice was difficult. I used scanning and guessing the word in reading In this lesson content is interesting and useful to students. I enjoy learning
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31 October 2016 Read faster! http://fauren.org/ Today's teacher Read faster! Is reading how to speed things up. Then do the exercises on sheet Read the paragraphs and find the cheapest. I think this simple lesson in vocabulary. I guess the lesson is to interpret paragraphs and difficult, but I try to make it. I take a quick reading skills and look for keywords paragraphs. The dictionary translates some tough words. In this lesson very useful To be used in everyday life as well. http://fauren.org/
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13 October 2016 Scanning http://copywritercollective.com Today teacher told us made group. Teacher taught how to use scanning. - need to have a question in mind - decide on a key word or expressions that will signal the needed information - do not read every word - need to read fast I think that some exercise was easy. I think that some long exercise and vocabulary were difficult. I take a quick reading skills and vocabulary guess and used scanning skills. I think the lesson is useful for students because sccanning very important to read.
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18 October 2016 Extensive reading http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/extensive-reading Today we studied Extensive reading requires much planning and time to gather reading material, but if executed well it can increase students’ liking of reading and it can improve reading comprehension, vocabulary, and reading retention. The idea is for students to choose from a list of available reading material what they wish to read, they can also look for additional books from the library. Students can discuss with others what they read to have a better comprehension of their reading. In the first edition of 2011 of the magazine The English Teaching Forum there was an interesting article about extensive reading in combination with writing. The writing part would be papers, folders, posters and keeping a reading log. The reason extensive reading could be said is more fun than intensive reading is that students choose what they read and they can read at t
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7 November 2016 Books " Diana : Her True Story " Today I learned a new subject about books and novels. As "Diana, You Belong to Me, The Lost World, Messges in a bottle and etc. "Aspects of Britain and the USA" recommend to someone is interested in the history of America. "Aung San Suu Kyi : The Voice of Hope" recommend to someone is interested in politics. " The Lost World" is science fiction. "You Belong to Me" recommend to someone likes murder stories. "Message in a Bottle " is a romantic novel. "Sacrament" is about mystery of nature. Picture from www.google.co.th I think that the vocabulary was easy. But summarizing of each paragraph was difficult. I used scanning skills in reading. I found keyword and locate information. I thought this is hard enough.